Come Drink and Listen to Live Music
in the Heart of the Cotswolds
A what’s on gig guide for live music in Gloucestershire / Worcestershire
If you’re looking for live music in Gloucestershire / Worcestershire, this is your essential list for upcoming live music organised at The Club.
We host talented singers, live bands, tributes every month throughout the year for your enjoyment, from classic rock to cheesy pop. Live music turns a good evening into a marvellous one, especially when it’s a live band!
Keep an eye on this site and our Facebook, or Instagram page, where you can like us and follow.
Tickets are available for Non-members, purchase your ticket's online or call Robin. Enjoyment, guaranteed by listening! Looking to perform at Stanton Club? Get in touch.
Whats On January 2026
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
2929 December 2025
3030 December 2025
3131 December 2025●(1 event)
11 January 2026
22 January 2026
33 January 2026
44 January 2026
55 January 2026
66 January 2026
77 January 2026
88 January 2026
99 January 2026
1010 January 2026
1111 January 2026
1212 January 2026
1313 January 2026
1414 January 2026
1515 January 2026
1616 January 2026
1717 January 2026
1818 January 2026
1919 January 2026
2020 January 2026
2121 January 2026
2222 January 2026
2323 January 2026
2424 January 2026
2525 January 2026
2626 January 2026
2727 January 2026
2828 January 2026
2929 January 2026
3030 January 2026●(1 event)
3131 January 2026●(1 event)
11 February 2026
Click on the events to watch a promotional video, see more information and to buy your tickets!!
Please note: that all our events are non-refundable unless they are cancelled by us.